Archive for January 2012

P52 week four: self portrait!

posted by Rachel Flores on


 Back to Project 52! It seems with school and my beautiful two month old, this is the only thing I can make time to post for! ( yes, I remember that I missed last week...) but on to the challenge!

This was my first idea for week four's theme, "self portrait" but I hate the IPOD quality photo.


so here is my final project:
I love Silhouettes!  I find them very  poetic. Plus, it challenged me to really play with lighting and camera settings. I ended up using my automatic no flash setting, which was 1/50, 2.0 and ISO of only 400 to capture the sharpness still. I used a little bit of light room to "fan the flame" I suppose you would say, and I really wish the light had reached all the way around my head! (and my hair is a mess...) oh well! beggars can't be chooses as the saying goes.


project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
P.S. Can I rock these?
 or are they a little much?
Honest opinions welcome!

Project 52- Made with love.

posted by Rachel Flores on


Week Two's theme is "Made with Love"
I think the picture speaks for itself!


Give credit where credit is due

posted by Rachel Flores

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"how do you do it?!?"

the attention to self always makes me blush and fumble. the appreciation rarely comes from my own generation, but from those who have walked before me, stumbling as it may seem, on the trails that one travels as a parent. But they have also cruised on the pavement of college life, and thus the gasps of wonder when Christopher and I explain our situation to people. He works full time, both full time parents, full time students.

I sell short everytime.

I laugh it off  "We drink alot of coffee!"
                                                                        Or, I just smile.

I sell Him short every time. Why do I fail in to give the Glory to God for the simplest of things? 

In church I sing and sing it, but to speak of his Glory daily I fail to do it. And it dawned on me today, as I answered the question yet again, that I am failing to give testimony. Giving your testimony is'nt just a 3-5 minute prepared speech that starts with the phrase " well I was raised in a christian home"
Giving Testimony is giving Glory to God whenever the opportunity arises.

"How do we do it? By the Grace of God! we firmly believe God has called us to the mission field and so if He has we believe He will map out every step of the way. So if God led us to Crown, God can get us through the semesters he knows we need to get through. God knows us, he knows we have two daughters, he gave us that responsibility. Therefore, We get through by trusting that God knows me and my situation, and if He calls, He provides the means to fulfill that calling"

Much better than coffee and goofy smiles huh?

So today, on this first day of the new semester, I learned
Give credit where credit is due. Give glory to God.


posted by Rachel Flores

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"Babies come from a place were there is no time"

I just read this somewhere and man did it speak to my heart! I still feel exhausted, two months down the road after having Jocelyn. Granted, this time I also have Ariella to look after, and it was the holidays, but usually by this point in break  I am looking forward to next semester, but this time around not so much because I don't feel caught up. how beautiful would it be to live in that timeless place with Jocelyn, just content with the current moment? I think the only person pressuring me is myself. pressuring myself to fulfill ever expectation and whim that comes into my head. I am praying for the grace to be timeless, to just slow down. I think, in order to live more simply, in order to be timeless, I have got to stop juggling and multi-tasking so many areas and just dwell.when was the last time I focused my mind long enough on one thing and dwelt on it? on a scripture, in prayer, on a sunset, or the stars?
to attend to one task, that is a lost art.


Project 52- week 1 - resolution = {simplicity}

posted by Rachel Flores


Hello New Year!
                              This year, I am participating in taking a photo a week, to challenge my photography skills and start opening my eyes wider to the world around me. So, this week the challenge is Resolutions.

This year, in light of {School,new baby, trips, family, house cleaning}
my goal is to live a life of simplicity. 

Check out the challenge, maybe join me! here:
project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
