Lessons from the Holy Land: Like Water.


posted by Rachel Flores

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My throat was dry; the sun high in the air, another cloudless desert day in southern Israel. I walked into the small kitchen filled with flies that our team was using and turned the tap, placing my water bottle underneath to catch the sweet liquid that would flow. As I watched the bottle fill to the brim, my mind was drawn to Yeshua's words-  " I am living water.. whosoever drinks will never thirst..." poured over my heart like the water I was pouring down my throat. the outcome was the same- refreshing, reviving, for my body, and my soul.

In Israel it seemed these moments happened everywhere. The Land we walked was the same place you read about in Judges and Psalms and Matthew. The Fruit was familiar to verses from Song of Songs and the Psalms. The metephors came alive-
The Harvest is Plentiful...
I am the Vine.

workers of the harvest

Example of Grafting

Narrow is the gate to the sheep pen.

First fruits.. a land flowing with milk and honey.

You are the fisher of men.

Everywhere you turn the bible is coming alive. The most mundane tasks such as filling my cup with water brought the words of life to my head. I believe this was how Jesus intended it to be. That throughout our days we may constantly be reminded by the things around us of His life giving words. But how can we if we are not familiar with His words? Also, if we are not still enough to be listening? I found myself a lot more disconnected in Israel- less IPOD time, no computer, less facebook...
More quiet.
More listening.
More Knowing that He is God.
More chewing on that daily bread.
It changed my definition of daily bread. of hiding the word in your heart. Intimacy with God's word should be number one priority on your list- this was the change. Because these are things we need all day long, everyday. And it's not like God does'nt give us a world full of "cheats" - everyday things to change our everyday lives into pulsing vessels for the gospel.

The lessons are being cried out from the rocks and the water and the sand and the trees and the people working in the fields and the names of villages and towns with deep rooted history in Israel....

And so my prayer is that it will be that way here. That I will be quiet enough to hear my surroundings crying out reminders of His truth, that all day long I will be dwelling on His truth.


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