A Little Red this October 31st

posted by Rachel Flores


Raggedy Ann & Little Red Riding Hood

This was little J's first Halloween and A's fourth- but her first year of grasping the concept. It was hillarious to me to watch her discover the day when everyone dresses up "pretend" and for some reason everyone keeps giving you candy. She was excited, overwhelmed,stressed yet energized. One of the most fun parts of being a parent is discovering all the newness of the world with your children.

Both costumes where handmade and only cost me about five bucks in the end! A's Mamaw made her hood, and colored J's tights. My Friend Abby helped me make J's wig just by hot gluing red yarn to a hat. I sewed J's apron from some scrap fabric and wrote on it. Pretty easy yet pretty darn cute!

Oh yeah, and you can't forget mom.
Green Lantern. 
Good thing my husband is a fan and has a load of super hero shirts!
this costume was pretty last minute and just so I could get Chipotle for $2!

On a more serious note, some view Halloween as a evil holiday we (christians) should hide from. I say, It's a day of the year when your community comes together, all the kids and such and acts neighborly. Why would we, whose light is supposed to shine on a hill, be the only dark house? Get outside and (with discernment) be that light.

Agree or disagree?

Either way, cute kids, candy, being silly, 
I had a blast.


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