Archive for January 2011


posted by Rachel Flores

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My desire to start a blog swirled with my constant procrastination was balancing on the main fact of: I couldn't think of a name.  I named my child, my car, my IPOD ( Ariella, Emily, little pea pod..) yet a name for this blog was constantly eluding me, giving me a perfect excuse not to start it. And then I went to college. and your supposed to learn everything in college right? right! because that's how I found the title for my blog. Sweet, I knew I was paying 100 grand for something.  

Shalom. Let's start backwards, the Hebrew way. Shalom means "peace", right? Well yes, but leaving it at that is not enough. If there is one thing I remember from one of my courses, it was when my professor explained the meaning of Shalom to be "wholeness" and used it in the context of living a life that is whole. Often it seems my life is defined as full of holes, not whole. So this play on words really struck a chord in my heart that this is a word that I want to define my life, completeness, wholeness. I could write a whole sermon, maybe I will, later. 

Semantics. One of the few things I dragged out of my linguistics class other than a weekly migraine and inside jokes with the eleven others who suffered through it with me. Semantics is the study of meaning. Thus, if we are to have "Semantics of Shalom" well, it would be a study in the meaning of wholeness. As a follower of Christ, as a Wife, as a Mother, as scattered- brain creative type, as every title you could think of the encompass self.  boil it down to a pretty fancy way of saying journey. It already started, the only change is now
I'm writing it down.