Something's in the air

posted by Rachel Flores


I woke up yesterday morning and there was a whisper.
the air smelled like hash browns, it had whirled through my house and got caught in crannies like our stairway and the closet. my toddler reminded me of that whisper by saying " I'm cold mama"
This morning there was a deceleration of my favorite season. As I, bleary-eyed, poured cheerios for the munchkin, my husband walked out the door to class, and then walked back in. " It's like winter out there!" he declared, running upstairs for a hoodie. But I knew better.
It was autumn.
My favorite time of year! The crisp air that allows you to smell every warm invitation of the comfort foods we prepare and the coffee we brew. Change, of clothes, of colors, of games we play and things we do. Contrast, cold air letting us wear warm clothes, bright colors of harvest against the brown leaves already fallen or the darkening night. ahhh, fall.

I'm making a list, because I don't want to lose out this year! I want to embrace everyday as not just another homework- filled chore day, but as a day of my favorite time of year, and run full fledge into it.

So raise your pumpkin spice latte's into the air- here's to fall!



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