The Kind of people you are

posted by Rachel Flores

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I had an encouraging meeting with a couple of my professors today. The point of the meeting was to see if  I would be accepted into my department or not, but when you write papers for the same people and see them three days out of the week, they know you without knowing you. It was nice to be able to share some of our story and where we are headed and where we have been.
         Hm, I don't know how to write this without seeming prideful, or indulgent in the approval of man. But my professors seemed impressed with How we are handling things and our goals and direction.  And honestly, it was encouraging. Often in my head all I hear is the conflicting voice;

your being a bad mom because your going to school;
                                                                                    you should quit and focus more on the girls;
you don't belong;
                               your trying to do too much;              you'll never make it the mission field;
you guys are headed in the wrong direction;

                                                                           Basically, a constant wind of doubt.
But In reality, I'm making A's and B's. The girls are emotionally and physically healthy. Chris and I are learning the beauty of teamwork in a marriage. We truly believe God has called us here, and we truly believe God is the giver of life and gave us these beautiful girls.  There are students who have been so supportive and helpful by babysitting for free.. God is providing, paving a way, He is our provider... not just financially, but in every situation. And perhaps this is our testimony, and we don't tell our story enough. perhaps it is not bragging, but witnessing.
And this witnessing is what combats the doubts.

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